Legal Resources
Many are not aware that in addition to the Condominium or Homeowners Association (“HOA”) by-laws and declarations, these Associations and its owners are subject to Florida Statutes Chapter 718, if a condominium, and Florida Statutes Chapter 720, if an HOA, as well as Florida’s corporation statutes and Administrative Code. All of these laws contain rights and responsibilities for board members and owners, in addition to or instead of the by-laws and declarations.
It is always recommended that you seek counsel from an attorney with your real estate transaction. This is the best way to confirm that your contract is valid, complies with applicable laws, and properly reflects the terms of your deal. Please see “Contract Review”.
Bankruptcy is the process by which individuals, companies, or even government entities who can no longer afford to pay their creditors may seek court relief from most, if not all, of their debts. There are multiple forms of bankruptcy such as Chapters 7, 9, 11, and 13. Of these, for individuals, Chapters 7 provides total debt liquidation and 13 provides a debt repayment plan. Please be mindful that not all debt can be included in bankruptcy.
Probate is a court process by which a Will is validated. If there is no Will, it is the process where one’s estate will be administered according to a state’s intestate laws. It is also the process where title to a deceased person’s assets is transferred to their heirs or beneficiaries.
These documents reflect your quality-of-life decisions that you make for yourself. This is YOUR opportunity to state YOUR preferences for YOUR care when you are incapacitated or need assistance with your care. In these documents, you designate who is to conduct your affairs or make healthcare decisions for you when you are unable to do so. Additionally, you provide instructions for medical care and end-of-life decisions.